Motor Driving School for Indians: Low beams or high beams?

Video 14: Low beams or high beams? कौनसे लाईट को कब इस्तमाल करे? 

One feature of driving in India at dusk or nighttime is the lack of understanding amongst drivers on when to use the vehicle's headlights. Often drivers don't use any lights even when it is dark, on other hand, some use the high beam even in built-up urban areas. This short film hopefully will help create awareness amongst drivers. This is vital as the correct use of lights can avert accidents.


अनेक लोग शहरों मे तीव्र बत्ती (लाईट) का इस्तमाल करते हैऐसा करने पर सामने से आने वाले ड्राईवर अक्सरअंधापन म्हेसुस करते हैईस वजाहा से अक्सिड़ेंट होने की संभावाना बढ जाती है 

  Indian motor driving schools often employ trainers with no real knowledge of traffic rules or driving ettiquettes. Often wrong information and habits are passed on to the new learner drivers. The commonest misinformation shared is with regard to ''flashing of lights''. As per traffic rules in India or anywhere in the world, flashing lights is illegal. In Indian driver flashes, their lights and demands the right of the way. In contrast, in many western countries flashing of lights means ''जानाब पाहेंले आप्''. Ideally, one should not flashlights at all. The other misinformation is around dealing with acute bends on a road. Again, driving institutes in India are culprits in teaching two wrong things - honk and flashlights as you approach a bend. The recommended and correct thing to do is to approach the bend as slowly as possible, this is the only way to ensure road safety around bends. When it is twilight or nighttime, keep your low beam 'on' throughout without flashing it. Finally, one recent aberration or shall I call it a misguided fashion is to use hazard lights inside tunnels. The correct thing to do is approach the tunnel and drive through it on low beams. The reason why hazard lights should not be used is simple. If hazard lights are used in circumstances other than 'actual hazard they become meaningless to the others.