Driving lessons for Indian: Speed limits, two second rule, lane discipline and overtaking

Video 12: Speed limits, stopping distances and 2 second rule

Driving on Indian roads involves enduring indisciplined traffic. Over and above this, lack of training and information means few if any of the drivers are aware of speed limits, stopping distances and the rather useful 2 seconds rule. This video makes this vital information available to all drivers.

A number of people have asked me whether to follow the 2 seconds rules as recommended in UK and parts of Europe or the 3 seconds rules as suggested in America. Which one is correct? I have not come across the reasons for this difference, but possibly in US where cars are bigger, the 3 seconds gap is appropriate given the formula for momentum (mass x velocity). Thus bigger cars need longer time to stop. In contrast cars in Europe are smaller on average. In reality though, the minium distance ought to be at least 2 seconds but 3 seconds is even better and safer.

Video13: Lane discipline and overtaking

The driving test in India at best expects learner drivers to manage the clutch and accelerator. Given that there is no theory test, drivers have little understanding of blind-spots, principle of mirrors signal and manoeuvre. Both these concepts are vital to effectively manage changing lanes and overtaking safely. This video hopes to bring these principles to fore.